Autoit Download Image From Url
Hi Guys, I need help. I have searched the forum before posting and i couldn't find anything. The code below works fine when downloading files from 'http' sites, but when trying to download from 'https' sites, no files are downloaded. I tried different sites and I experience the same problem everywhere.
Is there any tool that can automatically download the picture from the website (like background picture)? Not necessary to automate totally, just to make the save process more easier. (I wish to save those for my own wallpaper, and change randomly)
Journeyman Geek♦closed as off-topic by random♦Sep 27 '14 at 13:20
This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:
- 'Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they become outdated quickly and attract opinion-based answers. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve. Share your research. Here are a few suggestions on how to properly ask this type of question.' – random
6 Answers
Bing Downloader is one of such tool to automate wallpaper download from You need to schedule the execution using some schedulers.
ukanthukanthHTTrack Website Copier is able to download entire websites and is highly filterable so can be very easily set up to only download the images you want.
ShevekShevekDownThemAll lets you easily download all of the images and videos on a page, or just selected ones. Its main purpose is as a download manager, but it would work perfectly for what you need.
nhinkle♦nhinkleIf you are using Windows 7 then you can set the desktop background to a slideshow based on the RSS feed from Bing or any other photo stream (Flickr for example)
Autoit Free Download
Instructions are available here
I have done this and have a slideshow background of Stuck In Customs's Flickr feed.
ShevekShevekFirebug's Net pane can show you the URL of all images that are being loaded. From there you can right-click on one, load it in a new tab, and save it.
Ignacio Vazquez-AbramsIgnacio Vazquez-AbramsIn IE you can right click on the background AND select 'Save Background As'
In firefox right click the background and select 'View Background Image'
This works assuming the page has a background image...