2012 Return Of Quetzalcoatl Pdf To Word

2012 Return Of Quetzalcoatl Pdf To Word Average ratng: 7,6/10 1347 votes
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Yeah, I know, but I had to. Actually, at first, I was kind of impressed with Daniel Pinkchbeck. He knows a lot of big words, for one thing. And how to sling them around. Son of an NYC artist and a NYC writer. He was bound to wind up a little pretentious around the edges. But he makes up for it by doubting. According to a Maya prophecy, the gods will return to earth in 2012 A.D. A fantastic musical and visual trip into the world of Maya temples and myths.

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Cross James Merrill, H. P. Lovecraft, and Carlos Castaneda -each imbued with a twenty-first-century aptitude for quantum theory and existential psychology-and you get the voice of Daniel Pinchbeck. And yet, nothing quite prepares us for the lucidity, rationale, and informed audacity of this seeker, skeptic, and cartographer
Published May 4th 2006 by Tarcher (first published 2006)
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Sep 02, 2008Charissa rated it liked it · review of another edition
Recommended to Charissa by: I have only myself to blame
Shelves: crack, non-fic, apocalypse, never-finished, writing, shamaniac
Yeah, I know, but I had to. So. Much. Crack.
Actually, at first, I was kind of impressed with Daniel Pinkchbeck. He knows a lot of big words, for one thing. And how to sling them around. Son of an NYC artist and a NYC writer... he was bound to wind up a little pretentious around the edges. But he makes up for it by doubting himself at every turn. Because he's also neurotic. Just the right kind of person to injest copious amounts of hallucinogens. Oh, and then combine extensive reading in the subj
Nov 18, 2007Alex rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Recommends it for: the unintelligent and easily manipulated
this guy is a fucking idiot. i'm forcing myself to finish this because i need to see where he ends up. after a promising start, the book cruised straight downhill into a pile of endless shit.
um, buddy, guy, dude, you've based your stupid book on widely (and I mean WIDELY) discredited pseudoscience and touchy feely new age drivel. i'd be laughing while reading this if it wasn't so infuriatingly tragic that people believe this garbage. uh, you do understand that science is based on that which is
Jun 27, 2008Dylan rated it

2012 Return Of Quetzalcoatl Pdf To Word Converter

liked it
Recommends it for: critical minds willing to occasionally visit the new age/occult bookshleves
This is a book about metaphysics, which I found eerily fascinating. Pinchbeck's key premise, which he arrived at through his own experiences beginning with his experimentation with psychedelics, is that consciousness is not just a product of matter, an epiphenomenon of brain functions. Instead, he asserts that mind and matter are inseparable and are in fact interactive. With the ideological landscape swept clean by Nietzsche's general refutation of the modern Western worldview Pinchbeck finds su...more
Sep 28, 2007Nicole ( Colie ) rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Pinchbeck is one of those scholars who, without losing sight of his end-goal, manages to take himself and his reader on a macro-tour of alternate universes simply by virtue of mind that rejects no thing. Though I'll admit I found his character less than appealing, I admire his ability to cohesively cross disciplines and present already-stigmatized information in such a manner that it becomes new, more urgent, and that it may manifest an amount of hope for a future that differs in some way, any w...more
Nov 15, 2009Manny rated it did not like it
Recommended to Manny by: No one, thank goodness.
If I had wanted to read a memoir by an anti-monogamy commitment phobic, I would have picked up a book with the title 'Why I Hate Women,' because this is the ultimate subject of this anti-feminist screed masquerading as current events non-fiction.
While the author mentions a few relevant facts about the Mayan calendar in the beginning, most of the book is dedicated to his world travels in search of psychedelic intoxication which he believes gives him 'special insight' in the coming apocalypse. Th
Jun 17, 2008Bo rated it did not like it
wow. never has a book i was enjoying and interested in lost me so quickly. talk about unreliable narrators. pinchbeck is a piece of work- he loses all principles of journalism and objectivity in spectularly ridiculous fashion; he himself stresses the importance of journalistic objectivity and healthy scepticism early on in '2012,' when writing about subject matter which is considered dubious or occult by society's standards. He does this by basically declaring himself a prophetic vessel for Quet...more
Pinchbeck's 2012 is his journey to understand the human psyche through the use of psychedelics, explorations of crop circle's, and even analyzing alien abductions. Yes, it is just that bizarre, but many moments of synchronistic events took him there. The main theme of the book is that the end of the Mayan calendar and even the biblical apocalypse of the Book of Revelations is not the end of days but the end of an era marked by a shift in humanity’s consciousness. A shift that he believes can be...more
Mar 03, 2008Robin rated it liked it · review of another edition
loved, loved most of this book. although, the last bit is frustrating, and by the end, although i really enjoyed 90% of it, the guy struck out with:
1. whining about his 'partner'
2. whining about a 'priestess.'
3. pointless information about burning man (he has an epiphany that some of the people there are not actually spiritual seekers, but are superficial people on drugs.)
minus that strike-out snafu, he ends it with the current plight of the hopi indians which is gut wrenching. it's too bad
Before reading this book, I assumed it would be an embarrassing read, aimed at forwarding some sort of New Age agenda, or perhaps a dry treatise on a manifestation of apocalypse ideology in popular culture.
I found that, while I couldn't really stand the author's self-centered ranting on the demands of monogamous relationships, I really enjoyed reading this. It opened up my mind to certain aspects of mysticism and I understood, because of the way the book is presented, that you can be a casual to
Jun 13, 2007Paul culp rated it really liked it
Time to fuck with your mind a bit. I'm all for it. Mind's were meant to be fucked with. I have been a little obsessed with 2012 for a while now and when I accidently knocked this green gem off the shelf at Barnes and Noble while looking for Chuck P's latest I gave into synchronicity and bought it.
Daniel Pinchbeck is alright. He's a competent writer and pretty intelligent, though he's no Terrence Mckenna. The book is a gathering of facts that range from Shamanism and psychedelics to crop circles
When you have a fuzzy understanding of everything, you get a book like this. Pinchbeck takes everything at face value (from Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle to quantum mechanics to the space-time continuum to the entire Hindu religion), which comes off as the definition of 'spreading yourself too thin', and though I don't doubt for a second that our author is a very smart man (or at least, earnest in his research) everything--and I mean everything--reeks of 'DUDE CHECK OUT WHAT I JUST READ ON...more
Jan 09, 2009Jason rated it did not like it
I realize I'm being very scathing, but the title needs to be reworked to differentiate a scientific/historical (in reverse) study from this book. Short of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, this is the most painful book I've ever tried to read. The book is about one of the author's many many many drug fueled excursions, and consists of him unabashedly talking about his accomplishments. I thoroughly read the first 25-30pages, then read every 5 pages, then every 20, then started skimming.
Nov 23, 2010Erik Graff rated it it was ok · review of another edition
Recommended to Erik by: Michael Miley
After the hype of the book's cover, this was a disappointment. I was hoping for some explanation and defense of Mayan cosmology--though not really expecting it--or of McKenna's 'time-line zero' theory, which I'd always thought was crazy despite my sffection for McKenna. Instead I got a lot of mumbo jumbo which basically amounted to '2012' as a metaphor for the current, on-going crisis which remains unlikely to be resolved.
Jun 28, 2010Rachel rated it it was amazing
Shelves: dark-and-twisty, shamanism, world-religions, new-agey-and-whatnot, geek-chic, sci-fi-awesomeness
I mean, what's there to say? This is the craziest, strangest, and perhaps most astonishing book I've read. Though many reviews were harsh, choosing to focus on the narrator's narcissism or delusion, I chose to look at it another way. Is he crazy? perhaps. Does he do enough drugs to kill a horse? yep. Does he jump in hyperspeed from alien abduction to fairie kingdoms below the earth to the Mayan calendar to ecological conservation? indeed. Was it endlessly fascinating and thought provoking? YES....more
Nov 10, 2007Randolph Welty rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Will blow your mind, but in a good sort of way. Weaves together such seemingly divergent topics as crop circles, Carl Jung, Burning Man, Rudolf Steiner, and more post millennial strangeness, into a seamless memoir that retains its readability while still remaining among the more thought provoking journeys one can undertake through words. A worthy successor to Breaking Open The Head, and anyone who enjoyed that fantastic treatise on psychedelics and neoshamanism will enjoy this book as well.
Jan 26, 2009Kevin rated it did not like it · review of another edition
total, pointless junk. talk to a real ajkin (mayan date diviner) and he or she will call this white control. important to note that mayan time evolved outwards, ie: ka'tuns were the first period developed (20 years) and they noted when clan leadership was to be transferred without conflict. as date-keeping elongated (the records moved into 100's of years), the longer spans were added. longer spans included shifts beyond political control, things like adding a planned city departure so that a fam...more
Daniel Pinchbeck uses a wild excess of difficult words, there really is no need for it since he clearly is addressing the mainstream population of readers and not scholars
What begins as a somewhat interesting exercise in thinking outside of the box soon derails into layer upon layer of 'I'm not trying to convince you but here's the evidence'
Like the people he has studied he himself has had a very familiar relationship with all kinds of psycadelics
I put it down on page 290, not the least bit inte
Nov 01, 2007SeaGreen rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Such a wealth of information. If you can deal with Pinchbeck leaping around (sometimes erratically) between topics, it has a lot to offer. One of my favorite theories involves the greys, the aliens and flying saucer abductions in pop culture being a collective unconscious reaction to our divine repression. The evidence that crop circles are real is awesome. And mental institutions have, historically, had periods of mania every 13 years due to the effect of solar flares acting up on schedule. The...more
Dec 02, 2007Vanessa rated it it was ok · review of another edition
fascinating, eclectic, weird. i was really into his musings on 2012, ayahuasca, shamanism, crop circles and thought it was interesting to see the synchronicities within his own experiences and with all the similar stuff i've been reading and exploring regarding the Mayan calendar and the shift to higher consciousness that is coming. he got to be a little annoying--pretentious, self-involved, clueless man-problems with hijacking spirituality for his sex-drive and ego, but hey...he's only human.
2012 Return Of Quetzalcoatl Pdf To Word
Heavy stuff. A look into the Mayan prophecy that Dec. 21 2012 will usher a great change to the Earth and humanity as a whole. Some say it is the end of days - some say it is the next stage in human spiritual/metaphysical evolution. This book explores all thought and debate on this topic...Fascinating stuff - just a little dry of a read.
Jun 21, 2007ReturnBenedict rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: on a personal, spiritual journey
A personal journey in search of transforming consciousness with a little help from Mayan Deity Quetzalcoatl, just in time for the fireworks of 2012!
Pinchbeck applies his extensive literary craftsmanship to weave a lusciously layered multi-topic tome built on intertwining Fibonacci spiraling column chapters of poetically ruminating prose...
Jul 01, 2015Dey Martin rated it did not like it
If you believe in the 12th planet and Dänikenesque Chariot of the Godsy pseudoscience that claims visitations from space aliens that built the pyramids and crop circles and other mumbo jumbo this book may be for you. Why did I fall for it?! >Hey the cover is really nice.
Sep 15, 2015Angus McKeogh rated it did not like it
I'd give zero stars if it was an option. This was actually recommended by Chris Robinson of The Black Crowes. Love their music but Chris's reading tastes are for shit. This book was more atrocious than I can even convey. Terrible!!! Myopic!!! Stupid!!!
I gave this 2 stars because I actually finished an even worse book on the same day - the worse one made this one seem better. If you wonder what it is like to get lost in the mind of an acid-dropping, monogamy frustrated, id-driven middle class white dude without direction in life - this book is for you. I read it based on the dust jacket mini-reviews; my fault. Pinchbeck flits from country to country, esoteric ceremony to acid dropping opportunity with surprising frequency (while complaining of...more
Daniel predicts the return of Hydra the hybrid of a serpent, a bird, and a lion, a creature with 9 heads, a creature who has been depicted by all cultures.
He says that 2012, the Chinese year of the Dragon, would be the year of its return, but since the return date was 12/21/12, I think it’s just as safe to use 2013.
Herakles killed the nine headed Hydra as his second labor. One of its heads was immortal though, so, after cutting it off, he buried the head under a rock.
Revelation 13 speaks of a Be
2012 The Return of Quetzalcoatl is sure to dazzle your spiritual and intellectual mind. The author put a lot of effort into this book... very well researched.
An interesting mix of the worthwhile and the worthless. Some really good bits in this book but it does digress and wander a bit.
Aug 11, 2012Byron rated it it was ok
This book is about (or at least I expected it to be about) the ancient Maya Calander that ended in the year 2012, various people took this to mean 2012 will be the year we see either the 'end of the world' or the 'end of the world as we know it' I read this before 2012, not thinking the world would end but interested in looking at how this idea has caught on among the fringe of modern society. Pinchbecks book however spends very little time on the Maya Calander, its in there alright, but along w...more
Dec 09, 2008David rated it really liked it
Daniel Pinchbeck, author of Breaking Open the Head and co-editor of Toward 2012: Perspectives on the Next Age (which I previously reviewed), has presented a collection of 2012-related information with his work 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatal. Once again, this is a double-edged sword for his readers. He gathers a wide variety of information. His main subjects include crop circles, Mayan prophecies, psychedelic drug-induced visions, modern uses of technology and philosophical concepts from Jung...more
Dec 31, 2010Johnny rated it it was ok
This author sort of does things his own way. He doesn't take trips around the world doing research for a book, and then compile his research into a book. Instead, he takes trips around the world doing research for a book, and then writes a book about all his travels. And in the midst of his travelogue, he waxes eloquent on the topics of research for his book. This is problematic for two reasons.
First, because he never compiles his research into a book, he sort of side-steps the whole process of
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Author Daniel Pinchbeck has deep personal roots in the New York counterculture of the 1950s and 1960s. His father was an abstract painter, and his mother, Joyce Johnson, was a member of the Beat Generation and dated Jack Kerouac as On the Road hit the bestseller lists in 1957 (chronicled in Johnsons bestselling book, Minor Characters: A Beat Memoir). Pinchbeck was a founder of the 1990s literary m...more
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